Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Musings from Meldreth is back by popular demand. Those random thoughts on random things (well, mostly my beloved Canucks these days) were withering like Goleta these last few days. Admittedly, no fire swept through this blog, more a lackadaisical attitude to jotting down those empty nothings surging through the cavernous black-hole I call a brain. But thanks to some well-timed flattery from my grandmother’s boyfriend, live from Carmel, it’s Musings from Meldreth.

What to write about? Hmm…let’s start with some reflections from a long day on the road. Heck, I might even throw in some revelations.

For starters, McDonald’s milkshakes contain a lot more sugar in the stateside version in comparison to its relatively suave, somewhat subtle European brother-in-law.

But hey, I guess that fits the brash American stereotype. However, the combination of staling milk and existing thirst is not a good combination when the water bottles sit empty whilst slogging through the 100-degree-plus highs of California’s inland valleys. Still, I could withstand my lactose-tainted words as Salinas was emerging from a mere speck on the horizon. All is well that ends well.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean things started well. Our departure from the Palisades was an hour behind schedule, but that pales in comparison to what the people of Goleta and Big Sur are up against. Huge pillars of smoke ebbing from Goleta can be seen from nearby Santa Barbara whilst the mountains around Big Sur are encased by a thick, smoky, blue-tinged haze. Not fun stuff. Let’s just hope my earlier words of wisdom apply to those people. In the words of colorful hockey color commentator, Don Cherry, “God Help Ya, God Bless Ya!” Given that would I be a considered a radical atheist, those words might not carry that much weight, although the sincerity is there.

Similarly, my hands are also knotted in prayer for those aforementioned Canucks. The foundations of the team have been rocked as captain and all-time leading scoring leader Markus Naslund jumped ship and signed with Mike’s hated New York Rangers. My adoration and sympathy for a long-suffering hero will continue, but the fabled West Coast Express line of the enigmatic Burke-Crawford era has only caused problems since the decline of its heyday and now that Morrison and Naslund look to be on their way out of Vancouver, a whole-hearted changing of the guard can finally begin.

Likewise, I could do with a whole hearted sleep right about….now.

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